Neighborhoods: SOMA, Civic Center/Tenderloin
34 7th Street(between Jessie St & Market St)
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 355-9991
Here is a chilling question for you: Is it okay for a man to walk around topless if s/he has gotten a boob job? I am not talking about man boobs so often hidden by layers of shirts and
hoodies. I am talking about a male tranny that somehow sucked enough d*ck to afford a breast augmentation and now walks around town pretending his milkshake brings all the boys to the yard! Now depending on the season, it is very acceptable for a man to walk around without a shirt on. (and in most cases I welcome the idea, umm nipples) However, I have never felt more awkward in my own skin than to see a skinny man, topless, with his huge mams (sounds nicer than breasts, boobs, and/or mamery glands) hanging out for the world to see. I know it isn't okay (with me), but is it okay? If a woman walked around topless she would be asked to cover herself up (society rules gentleman, not mine) but a man would not. So once you combine the two, what happens? Technically since he is still a man he doesn't have to cover up but now he has women parts does it make a difference?? Kinda a lot to swallow, I know. My intention behind starting like this is not to repulse you, although who doesn't like shock value? I just feel this paints the best picture of the neighborhood Mr. Smiths is in. The Tenderloin!
In The Know: Yes, the TL does not have the best reputation, being overrun with some shady characters and all. Luckily, a lot of the bars in this neck of the woods bare no resemblance on the inside to there outside surroundings. This area might be the only place that has velvet ropes and crack whores all sharing sidewalk space. America, F*ck Ya! However, once beyond these pearly gates the space takes on a seductively dark ambiance. A vibrant red/gold floral pattern creeps up every inch
on the wall to the right while a brick facade spans the length of the left. I should note that I am totally a fan of wall paper over just painting walls. It definitely looks like the designers actually cared about the space and wanted to put some extra bucks in to make it nice. However, this paper looked as though it projectile vomited all over the wall and wouldn't stop until every last drop reeked of roses and gold. It could have been the sheer height of the space that made me feel floral nausea. If it wasn't for the hot bartender #1 distracting me I might have thrown up roses and gold myself. (*On a side note, I have read the yelp reviews of this place. Almost every lady mentions the hot bartender #1. Yes, he is good looking but ladies remember he is just that, a bartender. Most likely he puts on his little show to raise your spirits and his tips. So ladies be advised: I am sure under your wine induced stupor you may or may not have given him your number, watched him put it in his front breast pocket, wink at you, say he'll call, and yet somehow wake up the next morning to find the other bartenders' (#2) number in your pocket from which you don't remember getting when you were eye f*cking bartender #1 from a distance. Rest easy ladies, you wouldn't have been the only one this has happened to. This is all speculation of course ;)
Behind The Bar: Nothing. Nothing goes here because no one told me that anything is wrong or right with the space. Bartender #2 did say he loved the shell looking chandeliers over the bar; loved the upchucked floral extravaganza that was is the wallpaper; thought having an upstairs was 'dope.' Come on #2, I am asking what you think works and what doesn't, not whether you think it is pretty. Lets reserve that kinda judgement for the tranny with huge knockers doing lines of crack off your velvet ropes outs
ide. If he was bartender #1, his delicious mouth would have told me he did not mind the whole establishment is situated with all roads leading to the bar. The ratio of space in front of the bar is almost equal to behind the bar, giving these bartenders ample room to stretch out while the patrons on the other side huddle together. If he was bartender #1 he might have even told me that having the backroom/bathroom situated away from the main bar area really help keep the ladies room traffic to a minimum or even a nice place to escape from the noise. If he was bartender #1 he might have told me that he loved having a second story overlooking the main bar area. It is great for private events because it has its own bar allowing for the social elite to judge all the minions below without having to actually interact with them. But no, because he was #2 he was not willing to play along with my game.
Who's Who: Don't worry, the tooth decaying midget tranny will not be the one trying to share a bar stool with you. The crowd seemed to be anywhere from late 20's all the way up to earlyish 40's. I saw a lot of after work people all dressed up in the latest business casual. (mainly because I went after work) If I was to take a gander at the night life scene, I would put my money on a mix of overdressed marina type trying to experience a world outside of Prada bags and popped collars or the club kids looking for a chill spot to exercise their demons before they head to their uber all night club.
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